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Sleep Management

When you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, your performance at work and school could plummet, and you may experience difficulties focusing or controlling your mood. At Black Creek Medical Consultants in Hartsville, South Carolina, Dr. Orville Dyce diagnoses and treats sleep disorders so that you can get the rest you need. For a sleep evaluation and treatment plan, contact Dr. Dyce today. If you live in Hartsville or surrounding areas, book your appointment online, or call the supportive Black Creek Medical Consultants staff.




What is a sleeping disorder?

A sleeping disorder is a condition that compromises your ability to get a full night of restorative sleep. Without sleep, your brain and other organs can’t function properly. Untreated sleeping disorders can be extremely dangerous.

Types of sleeping disorders include:

  • Insomnia — problems with sleep initiation and maintenance

  • Sleep apnea — pauses in breathing while you sleep

  • Narcolepsy — suddenly falling asleep during the day

  • Restless leg syndrome — uncomfortable feeling in your legs

Dr. Dyce evaluates and treats common sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, with sleep studies and sleep medicine at Black Creek Medical Consultants. He refers you to other specialists, when necessary.


How can I tell if I have a sleeping disorder?

If you’re groggy during the day, fall asleep while driving, or have trouble focusing, you may have a sleep disorder. Other symptoms include:

  • Sore throat in the morning

  • Morning headaches

  • Loud snoring

  • Waking yourself up by gagging or choking

  • Memory loss

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Feeling irritable or depressed

If you don’t feel rested and energized during the day, let Dr. Dyce know right away.

How do doctors treat sleeping disorders with sleep medicine?

Based on your symptoms and a physical evaluation, Dr. Dyce may make several recommendations to improve your sleep. Lifestyle adjustments could include increasing sleep hygiene by establishing a nighttime relaxation routine, keeping your bedroom cool and dark, and sticking to the same bedtime and rising times every day.


Other types of treatments for sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, include:


- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

This machine and over-the-face mask keeps your throat and nasal passages open with a constant stream of pressurized air, so you can breathe continuously through the night.


- Custom-made oral appliance therapy (OAT)

A device that shifts your jaw forward or stabilizes your tongue so that air can flow freely through your throat.


- Sleep surgery

In some cases, Dr. Dyce may recommend a tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, septoplasty, or other surgery to remove obstructions from your airway. Dr. Dyce performs surgeries at local hospitals.

What happens if I do not treat my sleeping disorder?

Untreated sleeping disorders compromise the function of your organs and can lead to serious conditions, including heart disease. Falling asleep or feeling groggy during the day also increases your chance of work-related accidents or car crashes.

Treat your sleep disorder now to avoid problems later. Contact Dr. Dyce by phone or online form, so you can sleep well again.

Black Creek Medical Consultants
149 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville SC 29550
Call the office at 843-383-5312 
Fax Number: 843-383-6501

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